
Dear Beloved, You and I are opportune to be alive in these very eventful times. All over the world, and even in our own country Nigeria, the happenings we see and hear through the media and around us today, strongly suggest that we are witnessing the fulfilment of a major Biblical prophecy about the “end-time”: May the Grace and Peace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, be multiplied unto you. Amen.

Pastor Ebenezer Olatokunbo Oshokoya.
(aka Pastor Toks)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Question: "What are the dangers of postmodernism?"

Simply put, Postmodernism is a philosophy that affirms no objective or absolute truth, especially in matters of religion and spirituality. When confronted with a truth claim regarding the reality of God and religious practice, Postmodernism’s viewpoint is exemplified in the statement “that may be true for you, but not for me.” While such a response may be completely appropriate when discussing favorite foods or preferences toward art, such a mindset is dangerous when it is applied to reality because it confuses matters of taste and opinion with truth.

The term “Postmodernism” literally means “after Modernism” and is used to philosophically describe the current era which came after the age of Modernism. Postmodernism is a reaction (or perhaps more appropriately, a disillusioned response) to Modernism’s failed promise of using human reason alone to better mankind and make the world a better place. Because one of Modernism’s beliefs was that absolutes did indeed exist, Postmodernism seeks to “correct” things by first eliminating absolute truth and making everything (including the empirical sciences and religion) relative to an individual’s beliefs and desires.

The dangers of Postmodernism can be viewed as a downward spiral that begin with the rejection of absolute truth, which then leads to a loss of distinctions in matters of religion and faith, and finally culminates in a philosophy of religious pluralism that says no faith or religion is objectively true and therefore no one can claim his or her religion is true and another is false.

Dangers of Postmodernism - #1 – Relative Truth

Postmodernism’s stance of relative truth is the outworking of many generations of philosophical thought. From Augustine to the Reformation, the intellectual aspects of Western civilization and the concept of truth were dominated by theologians. But, beginning with the Renaissance periods of the 14th – 17th centuries, thinkers began to elevate humankind to the center of reality. If one were to look at human periods of history like a family tree, the Renaissance would be Modernism’s grandmother and the Enlightenment would be its mother. Renee Descartes’ “I think, therefore I am” personified the beginning of this era. God was not the center of truth any longer – man now was.

The Enlightenment was in a way the complete imposition of the scientific model of rationality upon all aspects of truth and claimed that only scientific data could be objectively understood, defined, and defended. Truth as it pertained to religion was left out and discarded. The philosopher who straddled this epoch’s and Modernism’s contribution to relative truth was the Prussian Immanuel Kant and his work The Critique of Pure Reason, which appeared in 1781. Among other things, Kant argued that true knowledge about God was impossible so he created a divide of knowledge between “facts” and “faith.” According to Kant, “Facts have nothing to do with religion.” The end result was that spiritual matters were assigned to be matters of the heart and just opinion, and only the empirical sciences were allowed to speak of truth. And while Modernism believed in absolutes at least in the area of science, God’s special revelation (the Bible) was evicted from the realm of truth and certainty.

From Modernism came Postmodernism and, whereas Kant marked the philosophical transition from the Enlightenment to Modernism, Frederick Nietzsche may symbolize the shift from Modernism to Postmodernism. As the patron saint of postmodernist philosophy, Nietzsche held to “perspectivism,” which says that all knowledge (including science) is a matter of perspective and interpretation. Many other philosophers have built upon Nietzsche’s work (e.g. Foucault, Rorty, and Lyotard) and have shared his rejection of God and religion in general. They also rejected any hint of absolute truth, or as Lyotard put it, a rejection of a metanarrative (a truth that transcends all peoples and cultures).

This philosophical march through history against objective truth has resulted in Postmodernism having a complete aversion to any claim to absolutes, with such a mindset naturally painting a huge bull’s-eye on something that declares to be inerrant truth, such as the Bible.

Dangers of Postmodernism - #2 – Loss of Discernment

The great theologian Thomas Aquinas said, “It is the task of the philosopher to make distinctions.” What Aquinas meant is that truth is dependent upon the ability to discern – the capability to distinguish “this” from “that” in the realm of knowledge. However, if objective and absolute truth does not exist, then everything becomes a matter of personal interpretation. To the postmodern individual, the author of a book does not possess the correct interpretation of their work; it is the reader who actually determines what the book really means – a process called deconstruction. And given that there are multiple readers (vs. one author), there are naturally multiple interpretations, with the end result being no universally valid interpretation.

Such a chaotic situation makes it impossible to make meaningful or lasting distinctions between interpretations because there is no standard or benchmark that can be used. This especially applies to matters of faith and religion because the philosophers of the Enlightenment and Modernism had already deposed religion to the compartment of opinion. Such being the case, it naturally follows that attempting to make proper and meaningful distinctions in the area of religion (ones that dare suggest that one belief is right and another invalid) carries no more weight than one person arguing that chocolate tastes better than vanilla. In such situations, it becomes impossible to objectively adjudicate between competing truth claims.

Dangers of Postmodernism - #3 – Pluralism

If absolute truth does not exist, and if there is no way to make meaningful, right/wrong distinctions between different faiths and religions, then the natural conclusion is that all beliefs must be given equal weight and considered valid. The proper term for this practical outworking in Postmodernism is “philosophical pluralism.” With pluralism, no religion has the right to pronounce itself right or true and the other competing faiths false, or even relatively inferior. For those who espouse a philosophical religious pluralism, there is no longer any heresy, except perhaps the view that there are heresies. D. A. Carson underscores conservative evangelical’s concerns about what they see as the dangerous element of pluralism when he says, “In my most somber moods I sometimes wonder if the ugly face of what I refer to as philosophical pluralism is the most dangerous threat to the gospel since the rise of the Gnostic heresy in the second century.”

These progressive dangers of Postmodernism – relative truth, a loss of discernment, and philosophical pluralism – represent real and imposing threats to Christianity because they collectively relegate God’s Word to something that has no real authority over mankind and no ability to show itself as true in a world of competing religious voices. What is Christianity’s response to these challenges?

Response to the Dangers of Postmodernism

It should first be stated that Christianity claims to be absolutely true, claims that meaningful distinctions in matters of right/wrong (as well as spiritual truth and falsehood) exist, and claims to be correct in its claims about God with any contrary claims from competing religions being incorrect. Such a stance provokes cries of “arrogance” and “intolerance” from Postmodernism. However, truth is not a matter of attitude or preference, and when closely examined, the foundations and philosophies of Postmodernism quickly crumble and reveal Christianity’s claims to be both plausible and compelling.

First, Christianity claims that absolute truth exists. In fact, Jesus specifically says that He was sent and born to do one thing: “to testify to the truth” (John 18:37). Postmodernism says that no truth should be affirmed, yet its position is one that is self-defeating – it affirms at least one absolute truth: that no truth should be affirmed. This means that Postmodernism does believe in absolute truth, and such a fact is exemplified by its philosophers who write books stating things they expect their readers to embrace and believe as truth. Putting it simply, one professor has said, “When someone says there is no such thing as truth, they are asking you not to believe them. So don’t.”

Second, Christianity claims that meaningful distinctions exist between the Christian faith and all other beliefs. However, it should be understood that those claiming that meaningful distinctions do not exist between religions are actually making a distinction. They are attempting to showcase a difference in what they believe to be true and the Christian’s truth claims. Postmodernist authors expect their readers to come to the right conclusions about what they have written and will correct those who interpret their work differently than they have intended. Again, their position and philosophy proves itself to be self-defeating because they eagerly make distinctions between what they believe to be correct and what they see as being false.

Finally, Christianity claims to be universally true in what it says regarding man’s lostness before God, the sacrifice of Christ on behalf of fallen mankind, and the separation between God and anyone who chooses not to accept what God says about sin and the need for repentance. When Paul addressed the Stoic and Epicurean philosophers on Mars Hill, he said, “Therefore having overlooked the times of ignorance, God is now declaring to men that all people everywhere should repent” (Acts 17:30, emphasis added). Paul’s declaration was not a “this is true for me, but may not be true for you” statement, but rather an exclusive and universal command (i.e. a metanarrative) from God to everyone. Any postmodernist who says this is false is committing an error against his own pluralistic philosophy that says no faith or religion is incorrect because, once again, he violates his own mandate of saying every religion is equally true.

In the same way that it is not arrogant for a math teacher to insist that 2+2=4 or for a locksmith to insist that only one key will fit a locked door, it is not arrogant for the Christian to stand against Postmodernist thinking and insist that Christianity is true and anything opposed to it is false. Absolute truth does exist, consequences do exist for being wrong, and while pluralism may be desirable in matters of food preferences, it is not so in matters of truth. The Christian is to present God’s truth in love and simply ask any postmodernist who is angered by the exclusive claims of Christianity, “So have I become your enemy by telling you the truth?” (Galatians 4:16).

Louis AkanimoEmail: louisakanimo@yahoo.com; lakanimo@cantab.net

In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity

Date: Sunday, 26 September, 2010, 10:03
It is out of great concern that I urge you to search for the reply of the live interview that CNN's Larry King had with:

(1) Pastor Joel Osteen, and

(2) Bishop T D Jakes.

How come these two men of God had difficulties to stand and declare the word of God.

In the two instances, God's inspired pronouncements in
John 14:6
" Jesus saith unto him, I am THE way, THE truth, and THE life: NO MAN cometh unto the Father, but by me"

and Acts 4:12
"Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is NONE OTHER NAME under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved"

suffered great humiliation!
Very sobering indeed!
At the risk of sounding like a prophet of doom, I believe things will get worse. I believe that Scriptures have already warned very clearly about apostasy and we should increasingly prepare our minds for it.
The New Testament, especially the Epistles, clearly teach that the whole of the Church Age is a time of increasing apostasy within Christendom. In fact, so much space is spent in the New Testament dealing with the issue of apostasy that it has to be considered one of its major themes. Apostasy constitutes the main theme of entire books and chapters as well as paragraphs and verses in the New Testament. Apostasy and its evil effects provide the main message of such books as First and Second Timothy, Second Peter, and Jude. Apostasy occupies a prominent place in such books as Galatians, Second Thessalonians, Hebrews and Revelation. Apostasy and apostates are set forth with varying degrees of detail as to their character and conduct, influence and teaching. Believers are warned to know how to recognize them and Christian leaders are supposed to protect their flocks from them and their unhealthy doctrine. Apostasy is doctrinal error, not how many will or will not be saved, whether or not the economy will be good or bad, or how moral or immoral society will be. The focus of apostasy is not secular society, but what is going on within the Church itself.
No one ought to take pleasure in the apostasy theme of the New Testament, but we all must acknowledge this point in an effort to call the Church away from apostasy. Indeed, 2 Tim. 3:1 emphatically says “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.” The Living Bible puts it as:
“You may as well know this too, Timothy, that in the last days it is going to be very difficult to be a Christian.” (emphasis mine)
On a brighter note, this increasing apostasy ought to drive us to seek the Lord more in order to serve Him more acceptably. I am reminded more and more of Jer. 6:16
“Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls...”
We can no longer afford to just casually walk in any path that opens up before us. It requires (a) standing; (b) seeing; and (c) asking before making a choice, for those who walk on the narrow way do not stumble into it; they find it (Matt. 7: 13-14). We need greater and clearer utterance that can wake the dead and call men away from the path of error. The hymnwriter says:
"Revive Thy work o Lord!
Thy mighty arm make bare;
Speak with the voice that wakes the dead
And let Thy people hear. "

May the Lord continue to give us light and keep us on the narrow path.

Matthew 12:14-37; 13:1-52; 15:12; 23:1-36; 24:10-28
Luke 8:13
John 6:60-71; 8:31-59; 13:21-30; 15:18-27
Paul's Epistles
Romans 1:18-32; 16:17-18
2 Corinthians 11:1-15; 13:5
Galatians 1:6-9; 5:1-12
Philippians 3:2, 18-19
Colossians 2:4-23
2 Thessalonians 2:1-12
1 Timothy 1:3-7; 4:1-3; 6:3-5
2 Timothy 2:11-26; 3:1-14; 4:1-6
Titus 1:10-16
General Epistles
Hebrews 2:1-4; 3:7- 4:13; 5:12- 6:12; 10:26-31; 12:14-17
2 Peter 2:1-22; 3:3-10
1 John 2:18-23; 4:1-6
2 John 9
Jude 3-23
Revelation 2:1- 3:22; 4:1- 5:14; 6:1- 10:11; 11:1- 15:8; 16:1- 19:24; 19:1- 20:15

Louis Akanimo
louisakanimo@yahoo.com; lakanimo@cantab.net

In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity

Re: Urgent! The Rising Apostacy (Part 1)
Saturday, September 25, 2010 8:19:10 PM

Dearly beloved,
Note that national transformation can not take place without the people rising up, but at the same time we can not work for God without following his instructions in doing his works less we get cutoff like uzzah
I had a personal uprising within after listening to the message of Pastor Afolabi on Rulership,leadership and national transformation, hearing this valuable facts concerning how our resources is being unequally shared gives me a sense of concern for our motherland,a country blessed by the Almighty God, but the giants in the land are destroying us we have become slaves as we have mouth and can not speak only utilizing a muted lips the tool of slavery
There  is a need for a David, but our beloved David did not play politics but waited patiently till God avenge him of his enemies
Let's pray that this same spirit to wipe out the creeping apostacy in the land all in an attempt to cause a change, for we are all involved only that we differs in our approach
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld from Glo Mobile.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Leke Akinrowo " <
Date: Sat, 25 Sep 2010 17:13:37

Subject: RE: Urgent! The Rising Apostacy (Part 1)


The phenomenon appears to me as that which has plagued every Church age from inception. The world will always have the need to entice the Church with wealth, power and position because of the enormous power the Church wields over the precious souls of believers.

The more the men of God fall for the bait and gain untold wealth and power with the world doing the work of God, the more charlatans are encouraged to join the 'work' so as to gain wealth and power too. The entrance of charlatans into the 'work' then introduces all kinds strange agendas to the 'work' such as large crowds, relevance in the society, influence in government, etc. With new agendas come new strategies of achieving the  agendas.

When this is not detected early enough, it becomes difficult to differentiate between the true purpose of Church and to tell a fake servant of God from the genuine, until God brings a new revival and judgment to separate one from the other. I believe it's been like that since the first Church age and is not different in ours.

As the consciousness of the problem grows, there will be pockets of revival around the world such as we are seeing now, which will eventually lead to a world-wide conflagration that will usher in a new beginning once more. God made the earth cyclical so everything in it goes through this vicious cycle until He intervenes and ultimately breaks the cycle and brings a new earth.

- Leke Akinrowo
Sent from my Windows Mobile phone
Subject: Urgent! The rising apostacy (Part 1)

Elders and friends,

This is burning my inner being! I am unsettled.

Some of us have thought that our job would have been done with as soon as we finally 'wrestle down' this unbalanced prosperity-by-any-means material and money gospel. Unfortunately, a new wave of error has emerged!

A lot of work is required to be done here now.

Self promotion, self exultation and highly addictive self seeking spirit has taken over all the evangelists, pastors and bishops around here!

I can see everyone running around to be recognised as major force in the political arena, in government circles and social domain. Popularity among the populace is now the new craze and pursuit of the anointed!!! Men of God are striving to build a monument for themselves not necessarily God. Even there is subtle competition amongst some!

Many have forgotten the scriptures:

John 2:
".......... many believed in his name, when they saw the miracles which he did.
24 But Jesus did not commit himself unto them, because he knew all men,
25 And needed not that any should testify of man: for he knew what was in man."

My brethren, while I do not claim infalliability, I can tell you now that a weapon of The Enemy, Satan through The Antichrist spirit has prospered! Which weapon? APOSTACY!

As it had been foretold by the prophets of old, a new type of apostacy is being downloaded into the Church operational system!

Revelation 13:
11" And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns (RELIGION AND POLITICS) LIKE A LAMB, and he spake as a dragon. 12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and CAUSETH the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. 13 And he DOETH great WONDERS, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, 14 And DECEIVETH them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. 15 And he had POWER TO GIVE LIFE unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."

Note: "he causeth"!

Due to the pressure of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS, the pressing urge to maintain RELEVANCE & a level of SOCIETAL CLOUT amongst the people, preachers of repute are dumping "those things which are most surely believed amongst us ... as they were delivered to us by eyewitnesses and ministers of the word from the beginning" according to the scriptures, and preaching damnable heretical views called THE GOSPEL OF INCLUSION!

Men of God, those who are justifiably accepted as 'fathers' in The Faith are now watering down the Word by intentionally making 'private interpretation' of the scriptures.


Men of God are now saying that John 14:6

 " Jesus saith unto him, I am THE way, THE truth, and THE life: NO MAN cometh unto the Father, but by me"

is irrelevant or unacceptable any longer!

There is a systemic denial of what The Word declared in the book of Acts 4:12

"Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is NONE OTHER NAME under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved"

Apostle Peter had earlier declared in the earlier verses, among the rich, powerful, famous and influential, that

"10 Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth, whom ye CRUCIFIED, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole. 11 This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner."

This is the real and authetic gospel!

Apostle Paul warned twice about what he called "The Another Gospel".

2Cor 11:
" 3 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. 4 For if he that cometh preacheth ANOTHER Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive ANOTHER spirit, which ye have not received, or ANOTHER GOSPEL, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him."

And the epistle to the Galatians chapter 1:

6" I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto ANOTHER GOSPEL:
7 Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
9 As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.
10 For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I SEEK TO PLEASE MEN? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ. 11 But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man.
12 For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ."

Must we seek to please men just because of excuse of NATIONAL PATRIOTISM?  POLITICAL CORRECTNESS?

The way to The Father, Our Lord God, His Kingdom and throneroom in heaven is now no longer exclusive to those who believe in the name of Jesus and washed by His blood? Muslims, Atheists, etc are now included???

Questions to consider:

(1) Is bible salvation still the key to access to God's Kingdom of Heaven?

(2) Is bible salvation related to New Birth in Christ Jesus as stated in John 3 and Acts 2?

(3) Is New Birth in Christ achievable through any other way or means than faith in the crucification, death and resurection of Jesus Christ?

(4) Is access to The Father, according to the scriptures, possible without going through the route of The Blood of Jesus?
Recall the warning of Prophet Daniel?

Daniel 7:
12 ".............by reason of transgression, and it cast down the truth to the ground; and it practised, and prospered.
13 Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain saint which spake, How long shall be the vision ........
........... I will make thee know what shall be in the last end of the indignation: for at the time appointed the end shall be.
 23 And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.
24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.
25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes;...."

Daniel 11:
21 "And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in PEACEABLY, and obtain the kingdom by FLATTERIES.
 23 And after the league made with him he shall work DECIETFULLY: for he shall come up, and shall become strong with a small people.
24 He shall enter PEACEABLY even upon the fattest places of the province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers' fathers; he shall scatter among them the prey, and spoil, and riches: yea, and he shall forecast his devices against the strong holds, even for a time."

There is trouble!!!

Where are the Elijahs?

Bro Toks Oshokoya

What is "Liteman T"?

The tag "Liteman T" is a Kingdom-purpose name.

It means:

The teacherman with the divine responsibility "to enlighten"  'photizo' in greek language, other peoples [saints and the world in general] on God's Word, His Will and manifestations of His Spirit from what is written in the scriptures. One assigned to give ILLUMINATION through sound biblical teachings.

To understand further, the following scriptures were given to me:

(1) 2Cor 4 vs 1 thru 12:

"light up darkness to give  understanding without attempt to achieve superstardom or celebrity status".

(2) Isaiah 25 vs 6 & 7:

"through deep insight in The Word, fight off satanically induced deceptions/confusions and apostacies in the body of Christ".

(3) Psalm 119 vs 105:

"(i) thru daily inspirations, give 'lamp-light unto feet' - a word in season to the weary; and (ii) give 'high-beam-light to pathway' prophetic understanding of the EndTimes to believers".

(4)Psalm 119 vs 130:

"the ENTRANCE (unfolding) of the Word gives LIGHT & understanding (discernment & comprehension) to the simple".

So the study of electronics & electrical engineering in college was merely a divinely orchestrated indication of future assignment.

A light-man's task, therefore, is to 'throw light' against darkness and terminate the reign of deceit, confusion and delusion according to the measure of grace bestowed on him.

"The 'Gospel' of Inclusion"

"The 'Gospel' of Inclusion" theory not to be confused with the inclusive nature of Bible-salvation to All
Wednesday, September 29, 2010 11:01:35 PM


Thank you very much for the mails forwarded to me.  Although I did not see what T.D. Jakes said specifically, but his connotation that Jesus Christ is not the only Saviour gave me a heavy heart.  I was sorrowful. I had known that the current resurgence of Islamic extremism especially in the West is leading to the official recognition of another dominant religion, which is the precursor to the rise of State clamp down on what would be termed intolerance.  Perimeters of what constitute moderate religious practice and utterances would be defined by govt to exclude such teachings as Jesus the Saviour among other things.  In effect, true Christians would be branded fanatics and terrorists.  I knew this was coming, but to have a climpse of such deviation from the mouth of leading Pentecostal fathers is, to say the least, sickening. 

For those whom God has given insight into both the mystery of iniquity and mystery of godliness, "...who knows whether we are come to the Kingdom for such a time as this..."  Let courage rise with danger and strength with strength oppose.  I feel it's time to declare this Word from the mountain top.  This is one of the reasons I'm so eager to see us run TV teachings in Canada.  It's left for you and the Senior Pastor to look into this.  Majority of Christendom are grossly ignorant.  And from what I can see, we really don't have much time left. 

As the aftermath of the Koran burning threat, US Supreme Court Judge is advocating the promulgation of a law that would bar critical comments that could incite Islam; Obama declared that US is not a Christian country (he had said it before the Koran burning threat)and currently debate is going on to introduce Sharia Law in USA.  But America cannot claim ignorant, recently a comprehensive investigation carried out by some top ranking US officers came up with a report on the threat of Jihad to the USA in the guise of Islamic moderates.  Certainly the Obama administration would ignore such reports, but if a new administration comes to adopt those recommendations, Islamic militancy would be on the decline in the USA but may escalate elsewhere; but if not adopted, with time, Islam would certainly overrun the USA.  It's time to pray for America.


Dear Bro Leke,

The grace of our Lord be multiplied upon you increasingly, amen.

Thank you for the write-up on the burning issue under discussion in this electronics public discourse.

However, it appears that you missed the point of concern, that is, real matter of discussion.

What I have raised alarm about, is what is generally refer to as "the gospel of inclusion"!
The term 'gospel of inclusion' needs to be properly understood. If not, it could be confused with what you focused on in your write-up.

You have argued on the 'inclusive nature" of God's love, His grace extended to all men and the universality of power of Jesus' sacrifice to cover ALL who will believe. This is an  undisputed truth of the Word.
I expect that you will know that, by God's grace, I Bro Toks, fully understand, believe and teach this without wavering. You will recall my stand again sectarian tendencies being floated amongst the "endtimers" in those days.

You are absolutely correct in your affirmation that "Jesus made it clear in all the Gospels that the message of salvation is inclusive." In addition, you correctly explained that "Inclusive in the sense that 'Whosoever believes' and it is our job to present His message the same way. I mean to give all humans- Gays, straights, muslims, buddhists, new age, post modernists, and all asunder the same opportunity to accept Him as Lord and Savior.". My brother, that is the truth of Bible-Salvation!

But that point is not what is at stake NOW!!!!!

I am a firm believer in Apostle Paul's writing to Titus as in Titus 2: 11: 

11 ¶ For the grace <charis> of God <theos> that bringeth salvation <soterion> hath appeared <epiphaino> to all  men <anthropos>  (KJV)
 11 ¶ For the grace of God has appeared for the salvation of all men, (RSV)
Lu 3:6; Joh 1:9; Ro 5:15; 1Ti 2:4; Tit 3:4-5; 1Pe 5:12
People's New Testament Commentary:

  Hath appeared to all men. The divine favor shown forth in the gospel of salvation is for all men, servants as well as masters.

God's divine favour is shown to all! John 3: 16 "for God so loved THE WORLD (of all men) ......"
Jesus' sacrifice is for all mankind!


Again, i ask the question: Is John 14: 6 SACROSANCT?
6 "Jesus saith unto him, I am The Way <hodos>, <kai> The Truth <aletheia>, and <kai> The Life <zoe>: NO MAN <oudeis> cometh <erchomai> unto <pros> The Father <pater>, but <ei me> BY <dia> ME <emou>". (KJV)
 6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me. (RSV)
Joh 1:4,17; 8:19,32; 10:9; 11:25; Heb 9:8
People's New Testament Commentary:
 I am the way, the truth, and the life. This is said in reply to Thomas. Without him there would be no Way revealed; no divine and saving truth, no immortal life.


Is Acts 4: 12 SACROSANCT?
12 Neither <kai> <ou> is there <esti> salvation <soteria> in <en> any <oudeis> other <allos>: for <gar> there is <esti> none <oute> other <heteros> name <onoma> under <hupo> heaven <ouranos> given <didomi> among <en> men <anthropos>, whereby <en> <hos> we <hemas> must <dei> be saved <sozo>. (KJV)
 12 And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved." (RSV)
Mt 1:21; Ac 10:43; 1Ti 2:5-
People's New Testament Commentary:

 Salvation in none other. No other Savior but Jesus; no salvation if his is rejected; no other name or power to save from destruction, unless he is accepted. Why, then, should men invoke the Virgin, or the saints, or mohammed, or any guru?

Is there any room given to us, bible believing saints, to try to 'smuggle' into God's Kingdom, muslims, atheists, buddists, hindus, and others, who refuse to believe in Jesus, His blood sacrifice and His deity?

Are the scriptures that 'muddled up' that we MAY no longer be sure about the requirements for making heaven?

I affirm that these 'pillars' who have suddenly developed cold feet about the EXCLUSIVITY OF BIBLE TRUTH ON QUALIFICATION FOR HEAVEN need to be prayed for and put under close spiritual monitoring, lest THE ELECT BE DECEIVED or 'caused', believers, to worship and give life to the image of the beast!

It is important to clarify the following:

(1) the objective of this exercise is not to mud-sling any man of God, but to clear the waters from being muddled up with heresies and perversions of the truth.
(2) I , Bro Toks, like others of same disposition, is not perfect. I have had my own personal challenges with the flesh and still do.
I have made mistakes in the past and still do, i have stumble and i still trust God alone for the future.
I am not interested in judging any man of God on the basis of the conduct of his personal life. I cant, I will not and i should not.

 However, i am commissioned not to seek popularity but to just be THE LIGHTMAN (The Liteman T). I am imprisioned by God's Word in Isaiah 25: 5- 7

 5 Thou shalt bring down the noise of strangers, as the heat in a dry place; even the heat with the shadow of a cloud: the branch of the terrible ones shall be brought low.

 6 ¶ And in this mountain shall the LORD of hosts make unto all people a feast of fat things, a feast of wines on the lees, of fat things full of marrow, of wines on the lees well refined.

 7 And he will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering cast over all people, and the vail that is spread over all nations. {destroy: Heb. swallow up} {cast: Heb. covered}

No error or heresy will be condoned in the public arena under my watch without giving it a fight. Amen.
That is what PHOTIZO is all about!

What is "the gospel of inclusion"? Please open the attached file.

Is there any reason to blow the alarm now? Please open the second attached file.

We must resist "the another gospel" . It is our blessed responsibility.

Bro Toks Oshokoya
(Ebenezer Olatokunbo Oshokoya)

Subject: Re: Asking for your daughter's paw in marriage
It is important that we all take a pause and ask;
What will Jesus say or do? 

Jesus made it clear in all the Gospels that the message of salvation is inclusive. Inclusive in the sense that 'Whosoever believes' and it is our job to present His message the same way. I mean to give all humans- Gays, straights, muslims, buddhists, new age, post modernists, and all asunder the same opportunity to accept Him as Lord and Savior. "I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh....."

In the past we have seen extremes of presenting the Gospel as an exclusive message -Peter and the Jewish believers. We have also witnessed those who preached 'Come as you are and may be remain as you are'

What is missing here in my opinion is the balance of preaching the  inclusive message of the Gospel without compromising any of God's eternal truth.

This was what Paul did and gave the Gentiles a chance to understand God's plan of salvation, thus you and I have became citizens of the common wealth of Israel. However, remember this came by a tarrying in the presence of God. I believe we all need to continue to tarry in the presence of God. Here, God will overwhelm us with His love and compassion for our lost world, He will empower us with boldness, and like Jesus we will speak with authority that will attract prostitutes, homosexuals, gossips, slanders, backbiters, and all liars.

 We won't  have to  'water' down the truth to be inclusive and we won't speak the truth in an offensive, threatening and exclusive manner.

Let's remember that God has placed eternity in the hearts of All men and He loves His creation.

For those of us who have understanding this is a test of love
Let he who is spiritual correct those in error in love. Let us be careful not to make harsh judgments as we are to remember 'The servant falls or stands before his master. 

There is never any acceptable reason not walk in love with brethren. Instead of going on T.V or the Internet to run men of God down for unacceptable errors, we are to privately converse with them if we can and if we can't be quiet or better still DECLARE more and more of the infallible truth lovingly in public. The truth spoken in meekness and love will always outshine error or falsehood.

May we continue to spread this infallible truth of Jesus's death and resurrection in love, meekness, honor and obedience. 
No one can do anything against the truth;
Jesus is not on the same pedestal with notable religious leaders.

Jesus is the ONLY way to God and will continue to be from past, now and to eternity.

I love you all and have a great week.
Leke Oteju

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Some Get Ruined By Success

Listen to the News!!! The King is coming back SOON!! But the love of many waxing cold! Some Get Ruined By Success. I want to turn your attention to Luke 12:31, “But seek the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added to you.” This is a simple but powerful principle for life: We have to put God’s Kingdom first if we are to realize God’s prosperity. A lot of Christians get caught up in the drive for prosperity and forget that God’s greatest desire is for us to pursue His Kingdom. In fact, I think some of God’s children today are frustrated as they are endeavoring to prosper. They can see the promise of prosperity in the Word, yet they are coming up short, and they are asking, “God, what’s up?”
I really think this is an issue of the heart. God is not prospering them because they may not be mature enough spiritually to handle the degree of prosperity they are seeking. It might do them harm. This brings to mind a young coworker of mine from a number of years ago. He was a believer but was struggling financially. One night we were in a restaurant after work when he shared a difficult struggle he was going through.
We prayed that God would do something supernatural to help him in his time of need. Two days later, he got an unexpected inheritance. It was huge! And you know what? The next week he wasn’t at work. Instead he was out partying. All of a sudden, his church life stopped and he walked away from his relationship with God. He didn’t have the maturity to handle the success.I think success has ruined more people than failure.

 It has been said that money is the most dangerous thing God can put into your trust.
Seek after God. And when He prospers you, keep seeking after Him!
By Bayless Conley

From Your friend,
Pastor Toks Oshokoya